Week 7. An insight: the 1908 competition

The VIVE director tells about the 1908 competition for the decoration of the Altar of the Fatherland won by Angelo Zanelli.

"In 1908, the competition for the decoration of the Altar of the Fatherland was announced," says Edith Gabrielli, director of the VIVE, “Three themes are proposed: one historical in nature, inspired by the Risorgimento, one allegorical, and the third a free theme. As many as twenty-six artists participated, some are among the most famous in the contemporary sculpture scene. Ettore Ximenes even submitted three sketches, one for each of the proposed themes. In the end, however, only two sculptors remain in the competition: Angelo Zanelli and Arturo Dazzi. However, the Royal Commission to finally award the competition decides in favor of a popular plebiscite. The two artists are asked to create a life-size model that will be displayed, in turn, in the final location. In the end the winner is Angelo Zanelli, then in his early thirties”.

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Week 7. An insight: the 1908 competition
Week 7. An insight: the 1908 competition