

VIVE devotes the utmost care to broadening and increasing the knowledge directly, indirectly or transversally linked to the Vittoriano, to Palazzo Venezia and to their contexts.

Since its foundation, VIVE has established an active research program, which is based among other things on institutional collaborations, special projects, scholarships and analogue and digital resources. 

The BiASA and the various VIVE archives, including the prestigious photographic archive, represent points of reference for an international community of scholars and for the interested public. 

VIVE's activities and resources complement and support each other: together, they provide a unique environment for research, critical investigation and academic exchange.

Research underpins most of our working areas, including:

  • the preservation and conservation of buildings and works
  • temporary exhibitions, scientific catalogues and other publications
  • the exhibition of the collections and their interpretation

Research and study allow the public an improved understanding of the VIVE sites. VIVE promotes these activities, even more so when they address the collections, buildings or contexts falling under its direct or indirect control. 

If you are doing research on us and need help or information, send an email to:

Research resources
VIVE preserves and makes available a wide range of resources to scholars, students or the interested public.
Valuable documentary collections which help to reconstruct a century of history of the institute.

VIVE preserves two historical archives. The first archive is from the Royal Superintendence of medieval and modern galleries and museums for the provinces of Rome, L’Aquila, Chieti and Teramo. Established in 1904, it has repeatedly changed its name and partly its functions, becoming Royal Superintendence of Galleries in the 1920s, Superintendence of the Rome I Galleries after the Second World War, Superintendence for the historical and artistic heritage of Rome in the mid-seventies, Superintendence for the Roman museum centre at the beginning of 2000 and finally Special Superintendence for the Historical, Artistic and Ethno-anthropological Heritage for the Museum of the City of Rome.

The archive consists of 7120 archival items including files and registers and covers an overall chronological period ranging from 1896 to 2011, with documents from 1829, such as those relating to fideicommissa.

The Superintendence managed Palazzo Venezia for over a hundred years and the Vittoriano for two years, from 2002 to 2004. The archive therefore constitutes an essential source, especially for reconstructing the story of Palazzo Venezia.  In this sense, the collection of the Works Committee of Palazzo Venezia, which documents the impressive restoration campaign carried out in the building between 1917 and 1940, deserves a particular mention. 

The archive was rearranged and inventoried between 2010 and 2011 by Vincenzo De Meo, Alessia Glielmi and Fabio Simonelli.

The second is the Archive of the Museum of Palazzo Venezia. This archive contains a further series of materials relating to the restoration campaign of 1917-1940, including the Hermanin Archive, so-called precisely because it is linked to the work carried out by the art historian Federico Hermanin, and the Mail Registry of the Committee for the restoration works of Palazzo di Venezia, the inventory of the Wurts Collection and that of the Odescalchi weapons collection.

The graphic nucleus which includes the drawings made by Ada Levi to document the state of conservation of the frescoes in the Sala del Mappamondo at the time of their surface removal, the sketches by Federico Hermanin for setting up the first rooms of the museum, a series of watercolour drawings of the majolica floors and the sketches for the decoration of the Sala delle Battaglie by Armando Brasini dated 1927 are all particularly important. 


If you want to consult the historical archives, send an email to: : to make an appointment.


Historical Archives
Thousands of scientific files on the works of art of Rome and Lazio.

VIVE preserves 106,000 catalogue entries of the artistic and historical heritage on the territory and in the museums of the city of Rome and Lazio. 

About 26,000 of these cards, mostly handwritten, date back to the period between 1895 and 1970, and constitute one of the most consistent historical collections in the national territory.



If you need information or wish to consult materials of the Catalogue Archive relating to the Vittoriano and Palazzo Venezia, send an email to:

If you need information or wish to consult materials of the Catalogue Archive relating to Rome and its territory send an email to the Soprintendenza Speciale Archeologia Belle Arti e Paesaggio di Roma:

If you need information or wish to consult materials of the Catalogue Archive relating to the Metropolitana area of Rome and the Rieti Province send an email to the Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio per l'area Metropolitana di Roma e per la Provincia di Rieti:

If you need information or wish to consult materials of the Catalogue Archive relating to the Provinces of Frosinone and Latina send an email to the Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio per le Province di Frosinone e Latina:

If you need information or wish to consult materials of the Catalogue Archive relating to the Viterbo Province and Southern Etruria send an email to the Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio per la Provincia di Viterbo e per l’Etruria meridionale:


Catalogue archive
Catalogue archive
Catalogue archive
Catalogue archive
Catalogue archive
Catalogue archive
Catalogue archive
Over 700,000 images of works of art from Rome and Lazio

VIVE preserves over 700,000 images of artistic and historical assets present in the territory and in the museums of Rome and Lazio, as well as the photographic heritage of the National Museum of the Palazzo di Venezia: these are 2000 negatives on glass plates, 300,000 black and white negatives on film, 320,000 positives on black and white paper, 70,000 colour slides and 25,000 digital files.

Among the historical collections, it is worth mentioning the Studio De Lisio collection, a small group of albumen prints with views of Rome presumably made by the photographic studio de Lisio in Naples, between the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and the War Damage collection which includes images of the damage suffered by Italian monuments during the Second World War. 

Fundamental to the history of Palazzo Venezia is the Hermanin collection, so named due to the close link with the activity carried out by art historian Federico Hermanin (Bari, 1868 - Rome, 1953), Superintendent of the Galleries and Museums of Lazio and the Abruzzi from 1913 to 1938 and director of the Palazzo Venezia Museum from 1916. 

The collection in fact includes photographs dating from the late 19th century to 1960 which document the appearance of the complex before the Palazzetto was moved, the layout of the museum rooms by Hermanin himself, the preparatory models of the Scala Nova and its capitals as well as the construction works.

If you want to know more about the Photographic Archive click here (ANN. 1)



If you need information or wish to consult materials of the Photographic Archive relating to the Vittoriano and Palazzo Venezia, send an email to:

To request a photo and/or permission to publish it please go to Request a photo and fill the form.

To learn more consult our Regulations and the Ministero della Cultura guidelines (DM 108/2024)

If you need information or wish to consult materials of the Photographic Archive relating to Rome and its territory send an email to the Soprintendenza Speciale Archeologia Belle Arti e Paesaggio di Roma:

If you need information or wish to consult materials of the Photographic Archive relating to the Metropolitana area of Rome and the Rieti Province send an email to the Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio per l'area Metropolitana di Roma e per la Provincia di Rieti:

If you need information or wish to consult materials of the Photographic Archive relating to the Provinces of Frosinone and Latina send an email to the Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio per le Province di Frosinone e Latina:

If you need information or wish to consult materials of the Photographic Archive relating to the Viterbo Province and Southern Etruria send an email to the Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio per la Provincia di Viterbo e per l’Etruria meridionale:

Photographic archive
VIVE collaborates and establishes agreements with libraries, research institutes, universities, museums of national or international level and organisations on the territory.

Here are some of VIVE’s partners:

  • Bibliotheca Hertziana - Max Planck Institute for Art History, Rome

  • Museo della Spiritualità, Castel Sant’Elia, Nepi

  • Wawel Museum, Krakow

  • “Sapienza” University of Rome

  • University of Palermo, Department of Cultures and Society, 'Maria Accascina' Observatory for Decorative Arts in Italy

  • University of Perugia, School of specialisation in Historical and Artistic Heritage 

  • University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Department of Literary, Philosophical and History of Art Studies

Research projects

VIVE promotes a series of highly innovative projects in terms of knowledge, sometimes independently, more often in collaboration with its partners.

The architectural, decorative and public housing history of Palazzo Venezia in the sixteenth century

Heads of Research: Prof Barbara Agosti, Dr Edith Gabrielli

Partner: University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Department of Literary, Philosophical and History of Art Studies

The collection of gold and silver items of the National Museum of the Palazzo di Venezia

Heads of Research: Prof Maria Concetta Di Natale, Dr Edith Gabrielli

Partner: University of Palermo, Department of Cultures and Society, 'Maria Accascina' Observatory for Decorative Arts in Italy

The architectural, decorative and public housing history of Palazzo Venezia in the sixteenth century

Heads of Research: Prof Barbara Agosti, Dr Edith Gabrielli

Partner: University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Department of Literary, Philosophical and History of Art Studies

The collection of gold and silver items of the National Museum of the Palazzo di Venezia

Heads of Research: Prof Maria Concetta Di Natale, Dr Edith Gabrielli

Partner: University of Palermo, Department of Cultures and Society, 'Maria Accascina' Observatory for Decorative Arts in Italy

VIVE pays specific attention to young scholars. It supports PhDs and other scholarships at universities and other research institutes, both national and international.

As part of a virtuous and effective relationship between universities and museum institutions, the VIVE Institute has funded a scholarship for a PhD in History of Art, Cinema, Audiovisual Media, and Music at the University of Udine for the academic year 2022/2023, whose evaluation and assignment procedures are currently underway.

This project will enable the investigation of the twentieth-century layouts of Palazzo Venezia also through the Institute's rich archival heritage and will give young scholars the opportunity to hone their skills and put them at the service of the institution.

This is the concrete implementation of a new model of cultural network promoted by the Vittoriano Institute and Palazzo Venezia, directed by Edith Gabrielli, which aims to promote cooperation between institutions for the training, research, and protection and enhancement of the artistic and architectural heritage. In addition to the University of Udine, the VIVE has already launched a series of collaborations and activated PhD scholarships with other Italian universities, including Roma Tre.


The VIVE follows its collaboration activities with Italian universities as part of a new model of cultural network promoted by the Vittoriano Institute and Palazzo Venezia, directed by Edith Gabrielli, with the aim of cooperation between organisations for the study, the research, the preservation, and the valorisation of the artistic and architectural heritage.

In this perspective, the VIVE financed a scholarship for the PhD in History, Territory and Cultural Heritage launched by the University of Roma Tre for the 2022/2023 academic year.

The project wants to promote art history research on the heritage of the Vittoriano and Palazzo Venezia Institute, on the works of art preserved in its Museum and on the decorations of Palazzo Venezia and the Vittoriano, with particular reference to the medieval and modern works of art preserved in the Palazzo Venezia Museum, the history of the collections from the 15th to the 20th century, the historical-artistic events relating to the commissioning and collecting activities of popes, cardinals and ambassadors who inhabited the Palace over the centuries, and the decoration of the Monument to Victor Emmanuel II.


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