Veronica and the others. Women in Rome

CYCLE: Stories of Rome, stories of Italy by Professor Francesco Benigno
SPEAKER: Fernanda Alfieri
DATE: Thursday, 19 May, 2022 at 6 pm
LOCATION: Sala del Refettorio

There is a twenty-year-old girl in a room behind the Church of San Carlo ai Catinari. It is the year 1835 and they say she has been locked in there for months. The reason is not her bizarre character, or a whim. She could be the devil. Around her Rome is teeming with prelates, foreigners on Grand tours, artists and devotees, who will want to visit it. Who will understand her mystery? Other women and other lives will pass through here. This is a story of experiences and images of women in the history, starting from the nineteenth century, from that room.

Fernanda Alfieri is a researcher of modern history at the University of Bologna, she previously did research at the Bruno Kessler Foundation in Trento. She worked on the the issues of marriages and sexuality in the modern age, publishing various books and in 2021 for Einaudi, in particular, her bestseller “Veronica and the devil: the story of an exorcism in Rome”.

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Veronica and the others. Women in Rome
Veronica and the others. Women in Rome
Veronica and the others. Women in Rome
Veronica and the others. Women in Rome
Veronica and the others. Women in Rome
Veronica and the others. Women in Rome
Veronica and the others. Women in Rome
Veronica and the others. Women in Rome
Veronica and the others. Women in Rome
Veronica and the others. Women in Rome
Veronica and the others. Women in Rome
Veronica and the others. Women in Rome
Veronica and the others. Women in Rome