Senseable Cities

SERIES: Building telling architecture 
SPEAKER: Carlo Ratti, architect
DATE: Thursday, September 12, 6:00 p.m.

The way we live, work and play is very different today than it was a few decades ago, thanks in large part to a network of connectivity that now encompasses most people on the planet. Similarly, today we are at the beginning of a new technological revolution: the Internet is entering physical space-the traditional domain of architecture and design-becoming an “Internet of Things” . The IoT is opening the door to a variety of applications spanning many domains: from manufacturing to citizen participation, from energy to mobility to public sanitation. Carlo Ratti will address these issues from a critical perspective, through projects by the Senseable City Laboratory, a research initiative of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and the design firm Carlo Ratti Associati


An architect and engineer by training, Carlo Ratti is concerned with the future of cities and the built environment. He is a professor of the Practice of Urban Technologies and Planning at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Boston, where he directs the Senseable City Lab, and a full professor in the Department of Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering at the Politecnico di Milano. He is a founding partner of the international design and innovation firm CRA-Carlo Ratti Associati and has founded several startups in the United States and Europe. A graduate of Politecnico di Torino and École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées in Paris, Ratti did his MPhil and Ph.D. at Cambridge University, completing his doctoral thesis as a Fulbright Scholar at MIT. In December 2023, he was appointed curator of the Venice Architecture Biennale 2025.

Among the world's ten most cited urban planning scholars, Carlo Ratti has co-authored more than 750 academic publications. His most recent books include “Atlas of the Senseable City” (Yale University Press, with Antoine Picon, 2023), “Urbanity” (Einaudi, 2022) and “Open Source Architecture” (Thames & Hudson/Einaudi, with Matthew Claudel, 2015).

Information and Reservations

Free admission while seats last.

Reservation at the link.


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Senseable Cities
Senseable Cities
Senseable Cities
Senseable Cities
Senseable Cities
Senseable Cities
Senseable Cities
Senseable Cities
Senseable Cities