Propaganda Fide, Rome and Foreigners in the Modern Age

The Pontifical Congregation de Propaganda Fide, founded in 1622 had jurisdiction over all missionary activity in the world and also over many Roman institutions that were responsible for training missionary clergy for the various parts of the world. For this reason it was a factor of attraction to Rome for many foreigners, whether religious who resided in the colleges or worked in the polyglot printing works, or even lay Catholics, but also Protestants who came to Rome to convert or as visiting tourists attracted by the prestige of the Congregation. In the archives of Propaganda Fide there are many documents concerning the foreign presence, both occasional and passing through, and stable and resident in the Eternal City between the 17th and 18th centuries.


Giovanni Pizzorusso teaches Modern History and History of the Americas in the Modern Age at the University of Studies ‘G. d'Annunzio’  

Chieti-Pescara (Chieti campus). His field of research is the Catholic missions in the modern age, a subject on which he has published numerous essays and two volumes: Governare le missioni, conoscere il mondo nel XVII secolo. La Congregazione pontificia de Propaganda Fide, Viterbo, Sette Città, 2018 and Propaganda Fide I La Congregazione pontificia e la giurisdzione sulle missioni, Rome, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2022.

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