Presentation of the volume "I Carabinieri sul grande schermo. Storie e location utilizzate"

At the Sala della Crociera in the Palace of the Roman College, the presentation of the volume "I Carabinieri sul grande schermo. Storie e location utilizzate" was held.

On Thursday, 11 July, the presentation of the book "I Carabinieri sul grande schermo. Storie e location utilizzate", by Lorenzo Rumori, Mauro D'Avino and Alessio Rumori, was held at the Sala della Crociera in the Palazzo del Collegio Romano, seat of the Ministry of Culture. 

The volume retraces the main cinematographic works that have seen the Carabinieri protagonists and, in the context of the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the War of Liberation (1943-1945), aims to provide a new and original reading of the History of the Carabinieri.

Starting from the 1913 film "Carabiniere", the first dedicated to the Armed Forces and produced by the cinema house Pasquali Film, the volume is not only a tribute to the role that the Carabinieri have represented and continue to represent in history and in Italian society in over 210 years of service, but it is even more a tribute to the territories and populations, cities and districts where the scenes were set, binding the Carabinieri even more indissolubly to its communities.

01 04
Presentation of the volume "I Carabinieri sul grande schermo. Storie e location utilizzate"
Presentation of the volume "I Carabinieri sul grande schermo. Storie e location utilizzate"
Presentation of the volume "I Carabinieri sul grande schermo. Storie e location utilizzate"
Presentation of the volume "I Carabinieri sul grande schermo. Storie e location utilizzate"