The meeting point. Space, Mirror, Photography

The meeting point. Space, Mirror, Photography

CYCLE: Visual energies between bodies and museum spaces
SPEAKER: Alessandra Chemollo
DATE: Thursday June 30, 2022 at 6 pm
LOCATION: Sala del Refettorio

Rarely does one stop to deeply analyze the different levels of which a photograph is composed. According to Ugo Mulas, when we take a photograph, we produce a "counter-release": a mechanism similar to the recoil of a rifle after a shot, where the photographer himself is in the center of the shot, hidden in the object or landscape depicted. Mixed with the objectivity of the registration of the luminous imprint of things, there is, in photography, the subjectivity of the point of view of those who carry out this registration.

We could then say that photography is the recording of the meeting point between us and the world, and that this recording introduces - with its invention - the possibility of taking distance, decontextualizing and comparing this meeting point.


Alessandra Chermollo graduated from the IUAV University, with a thesis on the relationship between Architecture and Photography. The reflection on the representation of the architectural work develops in her professional work and in the autonomously produced projects, without solution of continuity. She has carried out photographic projects to illustrate numerous monographic texts, deepening specific methods of reading the architectural work starting from documentaries. In her thirty years of professional experience, she ranges from historical to contemporary architecture and develops theoretical fields with didactic and curatorial purposes.

She has been working as a photographer since 1986; from 1991 to 2013 she worked with Fulvio Orsenigo ( Since 2013 she has been the teacher of the Photography module of the IUAV Landscape Master.

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The meeting point. Space, Mirror, Photography
The meeting point. Space, Mirror, Photography
The meeting point. Space, Mirror, Photography
The meeting point. Space, Mirror, Photography
The meeting point. Space, Mirror, Photography
The meeting point. Space, Mirror, Photography
The meeting point. Space, Mirror, Photography
The meeting point. Space, Mirror, Photography
The meeting point. Space, Mirror, Photography
The meeting point. Space, Mirror, Photography
The meeting point. Space, Mirror, Photography
The meeting point. Space, Mirror, Photography