Making the City. Art as an edifying practice

CYCLE: Ideas and Figures. Stories of innovative strategies for architecture
SPEAKER: Giorgio de Finis
DATE: Thursday 30 January, 6 pm

That art is a constitutive part of the city is a trivial thing to say. Its presence is there for all to see and, increasingly, those who live in so-called ‘cities of art’ are aware of how much the wealth of this heritage, in terms of quantity and quality, can come to condition its functioning and fruition, squeezing the city in the double grip of protection and exploitation. The meeting is aimed at reflecting on the possibility and how art can become an edifying practice, coming somewhat close to what the architect does; whether it can have among its objectives the construction of urban space, both physical political and social. The cases analyzed concern the museum institution: ‘relational’ museums rethought as a miniature city where transformation can be experimented and, at the same time, where democracy can be practiced and exercised.


Giorgio de Finis, anthropologist, artist, independent curator. He conceived the MAAM Museo dell'Altro e dell'Altrove in Metropoliz_città meticcia and directed the Museum of Contemporary Art in Rome with the experimental project MACRO Asilo. He currently directs the Museo delle periferie in Rome and the Museo di arte contemporanea Vittoria Colonna in Pescara.

Information and Reservations

Free admission subject to availability.

Reservations at the link.

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