
CYCLE: Ideas and Figures. Stories of innovative strategies for architecture
SPEAKER: Guendalina Salimei
DATE: Thursday 29 May, 6 pm

The Latin word limen, which by metonymy also means border, frontier, properly indicates the ‘threshold’ and, in a figurative sense, beginning, beginning. Studying and re-designing the ‘threshold’ means investigating all those residual, abandoned and degraded spaces of the city, the disused areas, the interstitial voids, the infrastructures, but also the border areas, the margins between city and countryside or between city and water: it is the network of spaces between things produced by the continuous stratification and mutation of the city and territories. They are places laden with opportunities: poised between a difficult revelation and processes of transformation, they are in constant flux and an opportunity for reflection and research for new design strategies, going through phases of transformation that the temporary state of being out of the ordinary makes space for phenomenological and compositional experimentation. Limen thus becomes a method of interpretation, in both conceptual and physical terms, to read the metabolic mechanisms of the contemporary city and to identify new materials for the project.


Guendalina Salimei, Architect and Professor in Architectural Design at the Sapienza University of Rome, founded T-Studio, combining the practice of ethical design with experimental research, favouring interventions in built and natural environments, often in conditions of discomfort and degradation, pursuing responsible living in the social, environmental and technological spheres. He is director of the Master in Building Design and member of the scientific committees of prestigious institutions such as the Villa Vigoni Centre of Excellence and the Accademia Angelica Costantiniana di Lettere Arti e Scienze. He has more than a hundred projects to his credit, including redevelopments, reuses and public architectures in Italy and abroad. His projects have won national and international prizes and awards; he has published many scientific, academic and popular publications in the form of monographs, essays, articles, radio and television interviews and in sector magazines.

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