SERIES: Figures of history in the Rome of yesteryear.
SPEAKER: Annastella Carrino
DATE: Thursday, October 24, 6 p.m.
Pope Joan is a legendary figure whose fame spans the centuries, each time marked by increasingly negative connotations. She is a woman in disguise, so cultured that she misleads a world of men who end up electing her pontiff unanimously. But she is also an impossible pope because she is “papess.” And she is and remains a woman, “in spite” of male clothing, a lively intellect, great culture and brilliant eloquence. A woman whose “secret” body ends up taking back her rights in an unexpected and dramatic way. To the deception of disguise, to the guilt of occupying the highest seat in Christendom without having any right to it, Joan, through pregnancy and childbirth, adds a sin that takes on demonic overtones.