The Lamentation Over the Dead Christ by Lelio Orsi

SERIES: Messi in Luce. (Brought to Light) Paintings and sculptures from Palazzo Venezia
SPEAKER: Vittoria Romani
DATE: Thursday, November 17, 6 p.m.
PLACE: Sala del Refettorio

The lecture details the prolific output of Lelio Orsi, an architect and painter active in the 16th century who was disgraced by his omission from Giorgio Vasari's Lives and by the severe losses to Novellara's artistic heritage. Novellara was the county administered by a cadet branch of the Gonzaga family and is situated in the center of the Po Valley, where he concentrated most of his output. Today, it is possible to trace the artist's artistic journey, which included stops in Rome and a singular blending of the influences of Correggio and Michelangelo, through a number of paintings, among which the Pietà of Palazzo Venezia stands out for its significance, and extraordinary drawings with highly original iconography.


She teaches history of modern art and history of drawing and graphics as a full professor at the University of Padua. Her studies have focused on the following topics: sixteenth-century Italian and European mural decoration; Tintoretto, Veronese, and Jacopo Bassano's paintings and patronage in Venice during the Late Renaissance; the connections and interactions between the figurative cultures of Northern Italy and Rome; and the function of drawing in sixteenth-century Italian workshops. Among his works, in addition to his various published works, are the novels "Problemi di michelangiolismo padano. Tibaldi e Nosadella," 1988; "Tibaldi d'intorno a Perino," 1988; and "Primaticcio, Tibaldi e la questione delle cose del cielo," 1997, the curatorship of the shows "Daniele da Volterra Amico di Michelangelo," 2003, " Daniele da Volterra I dipinti d’Elci”," 2017 and "Il giovane Tintoretto" 2018, as well as participation in other exhibitions and collective volumes, are noteworthy.

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The Lamentation Over the Dead Christ by Lelio Orsi
The Lamentation Over the Dead Christ by Lelio Orsi
The Lamentation Over the Dead Christ by Lelio Orsi
The Lamentation Over the Dead Christ by Lelio Orsi
The Lamentation Over the Dead Christ by Lelio Orsi
The Lamentation Over the Dead Christ by Lelio Orsi
The Lamentation Over the Dead Christ by Lelio Orsi
The Lamentation Over the Dead Christ by Lelio Orsi
The Lamentation Over the Dead Christ by Lelio Orsi
The Lamentation Over the Dead Christ by Lelio Orsi
The Lamentation Over the Dead Christ by Lelio Orsi
The Lamentation Over the Dead Christ by Lelio Orsi