Headquarters at Palazzo Venezia
From Monday to Friday, 8.30 a.m. - 6.30 p.m.
Kindly be informed that the volumes in the Sala Barbo will be available for consultation in the reading rooms located on the first floor.
Branch office in the Sala della Crociera at the Palazzo del Collegio Romano
From Monday to Friday, from 9.00 a.m. to 2.30 p.m.
The VIVE - Vittoriano and Palazzo Venezia Institute informs visitors and users of the Library of Archaeology and Art History (BiASA) that, due to the works for the construction of the Metro C, starting from December 16th it will not be possible to distribute the following collocations: Misc. B - AFD, Misc. C - AGB, Misc. O - G, Misc. Exhibitions, Misc. A.
You are also informed that from 18 December it will not be possible to consult the following collocations: R 4.1 to 33.Q.147, R 102.h.11 to 165.18, S 1A to 1193 S.
We would also like to inform you that the following locations will be excluded from consultation from 8 January until a later date:
ABC 4762 TO 9333
R 33Q 149 to 102H10
S 1193S to 1651H