VIVE Institute: research is strong, it's young, it's women

European Researchers' Night
- Guided tour on Friday September 29, 2023, 5:30 p.m.

On Friday, September 29, at 5:30 p.m., on the occasion of the European Researchers' Night, the VIVE Institute is showing for the first time to the public an essential line of its vast and deep commitment to research.

Two young PhD students, Dr. Angelica Cantarutti from the University of Udine and Dr. Chiara Petrini from Roma Tre University, take visitors to the places where they are doing their research, showing them concretely what they are doing, the materials they are working on - archival papers, books and period photos - and also the first results of their studies. 
Since its establishment in November 2020, the VIVE institute has identified research as a fundamental cornerstone of museological action. Based on this assumption, the institute has acted and is acting in various directions and with various tools: among other things, the goal is to enhance the value of its heritage objects, the buildings that house them, and the surrounding socio-urban context.
In this regard, an indispensable lever of action consists of the Ph.
The Ph.D. is unanimously considered the ideal tool for designing university research of the highest quality, in the sciences and humanities, as in this case. In 2022, the VIVE signed memorandums of understanding with the University of Udine and  Roma Tre University to activate as many doctoral programs in Art History. In the one and the other case, the Institute fully covered the related expenses for a scholarship. The two research projects, followed for the scientific part respectively by Professor Donata Levi and Professor Silvia Ginzburg, are already now bringing to light key elements of the Institute's history. Dr. Cantarutti is working on the figure of Federico Hermanin, the first director of the Palazzo Venezia Museum; Dr. Petrini on that of Federico Zeri, who was in contact with the same Museum in the 1950s.

«Initiatives such as the European Researchers' Night," declares Edith Gabrielli, General Director of VIVE, "help to remember and, above all, to communicate to the outside world an essential aspect of our mandate, which is precisely the need for research. It is a pleasure to do this today thanks to two young scholars, two young research professionals. I consider this an encouraging sign.»


What: guided tour
Where: Palazzo Venezia
When: Friday, September 29 at 5:30 p.m.
Lenght of the visit: 60 minutes

This tour is free with reservations required.

The meeting point is at Palazzo Venezia, entrance from via Plebiscito 118.

Please arrive 15 minutes before the start of the visit at the meeting point.

To make reservations, contact the education team by sending an email to:


Edith Gabrielli, General Director of VIVE
and Donata Levi, full professor of Museology and Art and Restoration Criticism, University of Udine

Angelica Cantarutti
The exhibition and museum arrangements of Palazzo Venezia during the 20th century

Chiara Petrini
Federico Zeri's research and the artworks of Palazzo Venezia



Angelica Cantarutti, born in 1997, graduated in Art History and Cultural Heritage preservation in 2022. She won the scholarship funded by the VIVE - Vittoriano e Palazzo Venezia Institute for the PhD in Art History, Cinema, Audiovisual Media and Music of the Department of Humanities and Cultural Heritage of the University of Udine. Her current research is entitled Allestimenti museali ed espositivi di Palazzo Venezia a Roma nel XX secolo. The project concerns the reconstruction of the events that have affected Palazzo Venezia since its requisition by the Italian government, in 1916, to the reopening of the Museum after World War II. She carries out the research through the analysis of the exhibition and museum installations of the Palace.

Chiara Petrini studied at Roma Tre University. She got her Master’s degree in 2021 under the supervision of Prof. Giulia Bordi. From February 2021 to March 2022 she attended a Master's Degree in Management-Technological Innovations in the Management of Cultural Heritage at the Department of Business Economics of Roma Tre University with a final thesis on Cultural Heritage Law (Prof. Mario Fiorillo - University of Teramo). In October 2021 she came first in the competition for admission to the School of Specialisation in the historical-artistic heritage at La Sapienza- University of Rome. In October 2022 she won a scholarship funded by the VIVE - Vittoriano e Palazzo Venezia Institute for the PhD in History, Territory and Cultural Heritage (curriculum historical-artistic studies) of the Roma Tre University. The current research is entitled "The research of Federico Zeri and the works of Palazzo Venezia".


Silvia Ginzburg is full professor of History of Modern Art at the University of Roma Tre.
Her study interests focus mainly on the relationship between written sources and figurative documents; on the stylistic developments in sixteenth and seventeenth century paintings; on the seventeenth century origins of the Scuola Romana movement.
She is the author of fundamental contributions on the figure of Giovan Battista Agucchi; on the Roman activity of Annibale Carracci, in particular on the Camerino and the Farnese Gallery; on landscape painting in the Italian seventeenth century, with a special focus on Poussin and his relationship with the French perspective culture; on the genesis of the first edition of Vasari's Lives; on the school of Raphael (Perino, Polidoro); on the position of Pietro Bembo in the history of the figurative culture of the sixteenth century. 

Donata Levi lectures on Museology and History of Art Criticism at the Università di Udine and is the head of LIDA (Laboratorio informatico per la documentazione storico artistica)–Fototeca at the Department of Humanistic Studies and the Cultural Heritage of the same university. She is president of the Fondazione Memofonte for the IT processing of Florentine historical/artistic sources ( Her principal research sectors are the history of art criticism in the 18th and 19th centuries (Lanzi, Cavalcaselle, Ruskin) and the history of the safeguarding of the cultural heritage, with special reference to the transfer, circulation and restitution of cultural assets, plus various aspects of 19th-20th-century museology.

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Angelica Cantarutti

Angelica Cantarutti

Chiara Petrini

Chiara Petrini