SERIES: From Rome to the rest of the world. Tales from a past that lives on - Under the aegis of Francesco Benigno, professor of Modern History, Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa
SPEAKER: Luciano Canfora
DATE: Thursday 18 May, 6 pm
PLACE: Palazzo Venezia, Sala del Refettorio
Whether or not it really was conspiracy can be debated but history was also written by the victors in the case of the anti-Catilinarian repression. What is certain is that the political-social coalition in power, of which Cicero played a knowing and effective part, made recourse to a state of siege to win the electoral battle and violated the "right to appeal to the people " to physically liquidate the "conspirators" without a trial. The fight against Catiline, which resulted in civil war (January 62 BC) was one of the principal prequels to the emergence of Julius Caesar in a dying Roman Republic.