CYCLE: Ideas and Figures. Stories of innovative strategies for architecture
SPEAKER: Massimo Alvisi
DATE: Thursday, July 10, 6 p.m.
A building must be like a tree, whose surface development is much greater than its mass and is thus able to adapt, follow the wind, lie down, even to find safe support, next to something else and flex slowly. We need to design architecture like this, capable of approaching those who pass in front of us, letting light pass through, welcoming and protecting, sensitive to the wind. Details like leaves and structures like branches, recalling the Japanese concept of beauty in imperfection: each building becomes perfect not because it is flawless or “symmetrical,” but because it is able to dialogue with the observer, welcoming different points of view and creating a unique relationship with each individual. Architecture is not a static object to be admired, but an entity that evolves with those who experience it, and its beauty comes from its ability to accommodate differences and adapt to changes in time and space