Digital resources


For publications acquired starting from 1992, please consult:

OPAC, POLO BVE - National Central Library of Rome 

For publications acquired before 1992 please consult:

Digitised alphabetical catalogue by Author and Title  
Digitised alphabetical catalogue by Subjects 

For works in the music section and the theatre section, acquired up to the 1960s, please consult:

Digitised Music Section Catalogue  
Digitised Theatre Section Catalogue  

For manuscripts, please consult:


For the inventory of the Bernabei Archive, please consult:
Barnabei Archive Inventory

For the collective catalogue of the libraries of the National Library Service (SBN: Servizio Bibliotecario Nazionale), please consult:
SBN Index 



Catalogue of auction sale catalogues:

Catalogues acquired before 1985

Organised into four sections: by artist, type of object, collectors and by auction house.

Catalogues acquired since 1985

With cards in the international format, it is subdivided by auction house. Within each auction house, sales are listed by type of objects, then by place and date of sale.

Lanciani Fund Catalogue

A Staderini sheaf catalogue collected together into volumes, each card contains a description by subject of the prints and drawings in the Lanciani fund.


Digitised Italian periodicals

This collection contains 117 Italian newspapers published between the 18th century and the early 20th century for a total of 785,321 digitised images.  
The images can be freely used for research and study. There are only a few years that can only be consulted in the library, due to copyright restrictions. 
Reproducing and copying the images is free, though subject to the registration of the user via the BiASA online services login page.
All uses that are commercial in nature require prior authorisation by the Director of BiASA and, in some cases, will require a payment for the copyright license as required by Italian law.


Museum Iconographicum

This database contains and catalogues books published from the 16th to 19th century and their engravings. 

It consists of two archives. The first, the book archive, contains works relating to the study of history, archaeology, art and architecture, topography, and ancient and modern monuments mostly in Rome, Lazio, and even Naples and Campania.

The second, the engravings archive, contains etchings and engravings contained in the publications of the book archive.

Constantly expanding, the database currently indexes 1,816 books and over 25,000 engravings, belonging mainly to the collections held in RARI ROMA I, II, III, VII, and ROMA X. 

968 books and over 5,000 engravings have been digitised.


Bibliography of Rome

This specialised bibliography makes it possible to search for Italian and foreign publications from 1989 onwards, in various disciplines that focus on Rome in the Middle Ages to the present day.

The original project, which began in 1994 thanks to the cooperation of research and cultural institutes in Rome, including BiASA, had initially produced a retrospective bibliography, in a paper and CD-ROM version, Bibliografia romana 1989-1998, Città di Castello 2004, available at the library headquarters. 


Images of Rome. The Fondo Lanciani Digital Archive 

4,000 depictions from the Lanciani Archive have been digitised thanks to an agreement between the National Institute of Archaeology and Art History (Istituto Nazionale di Archeologia e Storia dell’Arte) and our library, the University of Oregon, Stanford University and Dartmouth College.

Thanks to Stanford University, these materials can now be consulted through a simple search bar and a high-resolution viewing system.

Requests for copies and publication rights relating to the Lanciani Archive must be sent to the National Institute of Archaeology and Art History via email:


The library provides local users with valuable tools for specialised research: databases on CD-ROM and online, and a collection of photographs archived on microfiche.

A. Databases on CD-ROM

AKL Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon  Internationale Künstlerdatenbank

A bibliographic dictionary database about painters, sculptors, architects, engravers, etc. from the Middle Ages to the 20th century. It includes the indices of Allgemeines Lexikon der bildenden Künstler von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart, edited by Ulrich Thieme and Felix Becker (Leipzig, 1907-1950, 37voll.), known as Thieme-Becker and that of its supplement, Allgemeines Lexikon der bildenden Künstler des XX. Jahrhunderts, edited by Hans Vollmer, simply called Vollmer (Leipzig, 1980, 6 vols.), and also the historical edition and the text of the volumes published until now of Saur Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon.
Online since 2010 

Art Index Retrospective: 1929-1984
Archive index of predominantly Anglo-American periodicals published since 1929.

BHA RILA RAA 1975-2001
Citation databases on Western art that cover articles in periodicals, monographs, dissertations, conference and exhibition catalogues, etc., including the Repertoire d’Art et Archéologie from 1973 to 1989, the Repertoire International de la Letterature de l’Art from 1975 to 1989 and the Bibliography of the History of Art from 1989 to 2001. 
Online since 2002, and from 2010 with the name International Bibliography of Art-IBA

Bibliography of modern art on disc from the MOMA, New York
Catalogue of the Museum of Modern Art Library in New York; it includes articles from periodicals, monographs, and museum and exhibition catalogues.
Also available online:

CatalogArt - formerly Ares Multimedia 
Database of catalogues from exhibitions held in Italy from 1850 to 1950: Venice Biennales (1895-1932), Mostre del Sindacato Fascista (Liguria 1862-1922; Piedmont 1842-1922; Tuscany 1846-1922; Campania 1850-1955), Società Promotrici di Belle Arti (Turin 1842-1900, Florence 1846-1922, Genoa 1850-1955, Naples 1862-1922), Galleria Ca' Pesaro (1917-1938),
Now also online: 

Complete illustrated catalogue of National Gallery, Londra
A visual archive of the catalogue of the National Gallery of London: it includes images of the works of art owned by the museum, and provides bibliographies of the artists up until 2000. 
Now online:

Dyabola - German Archeological Institut (DAI) on CD-ROM 
Archaologische Bibliographie (1913-1994); Database of 5th-4th cen. attic tombstones; Winckelmann bibliography (1755-1998); CENSUS OF ANTIQUE WORKS OF ART AND ARCHITECTURE KNOWN IN THE RENAISSANCE
Online sincec 2007: 

Francis Retrospective 1984 -2004, CNRS 
General bibliography on the humanities and social sciences with special reference to prehistoric archaeology and aesthetics.

Gnomon - Kritische Zeitschrift fur die Gesamte Klassische Altertumswissenschaft
Bibliographic database relative to classical art with an index of specialised periodicals

Ulrich's on disc 
The most widespread international directory of periodicals and other serial publications: 264,000 bibliographical records relating to periodicals from 200 different countries, including 37,000 digital periodicals. Each record includes bibliographic and commercial data, such as subscription fees and addresses. The database includes the indication of archives that tap into the indexed titles of 9,000 journals. 
The Library has the CD-ROMs relative to 1999-2008. 
Exclusively online since 2009.  

European bibliographical database based on articles published in journals since the late 1800s and current periodicals and grey literature, covering urban planning, land use planning, architecture, construction and the environment. 
Exclusively online since 2005


B.    Online databases

Artprice Pure Play + Images post-1987 and Mayer 1962-87
Database containing the results of auction sales of: paintings, sculpture, drawings and watercolours, ceramics, miniatures, tapestry, prints and posters, photographs, and audiovisual multimedia


C. Photography archives on microfiche

Alinari photo archive 
This archive is divided into 8 volumes of microfiche, which contain the original Alinari archive and the photography collections acquired over the years.

The images refer to monuments, museums, collections and works of art. In each volume, the materials are organized by place: the seventh and eighth volumes contain suggested search terms, the catalogue, the index and the guide to the microfiche edition.

Ancient Roman Architecture Photographic Archive of Fototeca Unione at the American Academy in Rome
The "Fototeca di architettura e topografia dell'Italia antica e delle province romane" (Photographic archive of architecture and topography from ancient Italy and the Roman provinces) of the International Union of Institutes of Archaeology and Art History housed at the American Academy of Rome contains images of architecture and topography from the Roman Empire relating to 250 sites, each of which has a brief historical and bibliographical introduction.

Conway Library in the Courtauld Institute of Art 
The 19th-century photography collection of the Conway Library is one of the most complete sets of images of architecture and sculpture ranging from the Middle Ages to modern times. 
The microfiche archive contains photographs from the Conway collection, donated in 1931 to the Courtauld Institute of Art, and those subsequently acquired by the Institute. 
Each image is accompanied by explanatory notes, and the photographs are divided into six sections and organised by the name of the site (alphabetical order).

Index der Antiken kunst und Architektur at the German Archaeological Institute of Rome
This microfiche collection is made up of the photography collection of the German Archaeological Institute of Rome and covers Greco-Roman antiquities. 
Monuments and works of art are organised by subject: inscriptions, mosaics, paintings, sculptural reliefs, sarcophagi, topography, etc.

Marburger Picture Index 
The Marburg Picture Index is comprised of the following sections: Italy I and II, Germany I-II-II, France I and II, Austria, the Baltic States, Great Britain, Spain and Portugal, Switzerland, Egypt, Armenia, Benelux, Greece, Thuringia and Czechoslovakia. 
The photography archive relating to art in Italy documents the historical period that goes from the period prior to Greek and Roman civilisation, up to the present day. 
The photographs reproduced were taken in the 19th and 20th centuries. The works are reproduced in their context, be they architectural complexes or single buildings, as are the paintings, drawings and other arts and crafts, both public and private. 
Some pieces, especially the privately owned ones, have been published here for the first time, just like many pictures portray objects that are no longer in their original location or have been destroyed.

The Witt Library in The Courtauld Institute of Art 

This is the largest photographic archive of paintings, representing over 50,000 artists from the 12th century up to today.

The collection is divided into sections, representing specific styles:

  1. American, Australian, Canadian and Czech; 
  2. French and German; 
  3. Greek, Hungarian, Italian and Middle Eastern; 
  4. Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Scandinavian, Spanish, etc.