Baldassarre Peruzzi Painter and the Decoration of the Ponzetti Chapel of Santa Maria della Pace in Rome

SERIES: From VIVE to the city. The history of art in Rome in the 15th-20th centuries - Under the aegis of Silvia Ginzburg, professor of the History of Modern Art, Università di Roma Tre
SPEAKER: Alessandro Angelini
DATEThursday 28 September, 6pm
PLACE: Palazzo Venezia, Sala del Refettorio

The lecture focuses on the decoration of the Ponzetti Chapel in the left aisle of Santa Maria della Pace and dated 1516. It will seek to illustrate aspects of the commissioning and iconography of this complex and a reading of its formal language, identifying the autograph parts by Baldassarre Peruzzi, who received the commission from Ferdinando Ponzetti, and those performed by his assistants. This should also be an opportunity to study the more comprehensive pictorial activity of the great Sienese architect, largely delegated to his assistants, given the great pressure of the commissions of various kinds that he received in those years, from architectural works to theatrical sets and scenery for festivities and ceremonies held in the Rome of Leo X.


Alessandro Angelini is Professor of History of Modern Art at the Università degli Studi in Siena and coordinates the PhD in Art History. Among his books: “Gian Lorenzo Bernini e i Chigi tra Roma e Siena” (Monte dei Paschi di Siena, 1998); Piero della Francesca (24 Ore Cultura, 2014), the curatorship of “Pio II e le arti. La riscoperta dell’antico da Federighi a Michelangelo”, (Cinisello Balsamo, 2005); and the curatorship, with other scholars, of the exhibitions “Alessandro VII Chigi il papa di Roma moderna”, (Siena 2000); “Federico da Montefeltro e Francesco di Giorgio. Urbino crocevia delle arti” (Venice 2022).

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Baldassarre Peruzzi Painter and the Decoration of the Ponzetti Chapel of Santa Maria della Pace in Rome
Baldassarre Peruzzi Painter and the Decoration of the Ponzetti Chapel of Santa Maria della Pace in Rome
Baldassarre Peruzzi Painter and the Decoration of the Ponzetti Chapel of Santa Maria della Pace in Rome
Baldassarre Peruzzi Painter and the Decoration of the Ponzetti Chapel of Santa Maria della Pace in Rome
Baldassarre Peruzzi Painter and the Decoration of the Ponzetti Chapel of Santa Maria della Pace in Rome