In the centre of Rome

History, art, architecture and music at the VIVE institute

From May 19, the showcase starts in the Sala del Refettorio of Palazzo Venezia

Starting from May 19, the VIVE Institute - Vittoriano and Palazzo Venezia - offers a rich program of events with the aim of expanding its educational offer and making its sites permanent spaces for cultural meetings. Experts, professionals and university professors will hold conferences on history, art, architecture and music in the Sala del Refettorio of Palazzo Venezia, as part of the exhibition “In the center of Rome”, designed by the director of the VIVE Institute Edith Gabrielli. The exhibition will be divided into four cycles of meetings:

Stories of Rome, stories of Italy, by Francesco Benigno, professor of Modern History, Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa, in collaboration with the Library of Modern and Contemporary History, with the Library of Modern and Contemporary History and the Gramsci Foundation.

Some men and women have left an indelible mark in the history of Rome and in the history of Italy: prominent personalities, political leaders, popes, emperors and many others. Some important Italian historians will tell their grandiose, compelling, painful and dramatic stories, which were destined to leave a mark in the history of the city and of the country.

Highlighted. Paintings and sculptures of Palazzo Venezia by Silvia Ginzburg, professor of History of Modern Art, University of Roma Tre.

This series of meetings with leading art historians is dedicated to the paintings and sculptures of Palazzo Venezia. On each occasion, an artwork is chosen to be presented to the public and subjected to a thorough investigation which highlights its iconography, style, provenance, technique and history of the commission. The experts reconstruct the original context and the meaning of the artwork, retracing the events before its entry into the museum and the reasons of its presence in the collection.

Visual energies between bodies and museum spaces, by Orazio Carpenzano, dean of the Faculty of Architecture, “Sapienza” University of Rome.
Architectural, environmental, virtual, sensitive bodies will be presented by authors and architects through their anthologies of themes and figures that will form the narrative and iconographic background of the entire series of meetings.

Seven albums to tell a century, by Ernesto Assante, journalist and music critic.
Seven albums to reconstruct the history of popular music of the twentieth century, seven works of art to be told in their creation and their impact, seven essential steps to understand what we have been and what we will probably become.