Week five: the first visit to the restoration site

The first public visit to the restoration site was held on Sunday, April 23. The participants, divided into different shifts, climbed the scaffolding accompanied by restorer Susanna Sarmati, who told them about the restoration project and the first activities implemented.

Here is what some of the visitors told us as soon as they finished their visit on the scaffolding:

"It was a discovery. It was very nice, you can see details that from a distance you don't imagine exist."

"Today I discovered that this monument also has a soul."

"I enjoyed seeing the bas-relief up close and understanding what it is and what restoration is for."

"Getting on the restoration site was really very interesting, I sincerely and highly recommend it."

01 03
Week five: the first visit to the restoration site
Week five: the first visit to the restoration site
Week five: the first visit to the restoration site