Week 3: Scaffolding on east wing completed

Surface condition analysis begins.

"We have just finished putting up the scaffolding on the east wing of the Altar of the Fatherland. The restorers will now be able to enter and begin the work proper. Meanwhile, we build the scaffold on the opposite side, on the west wing" declares Edith Gabrielli, director of works and director of VIVE - Vittoriano and Palazzo Venezia.

"The first days on the scaffold are days of study. The surfaces we used to see only from afar we can finally appreciate up close.We begin to study surface degradation, the lichens we had already seen from underneath however of a different type.We found red algae, grout that is now completely blown off, water infiltration with limestone deposits," says Susanna Sarmati, restorer.

01 03
Surface condition analysis begins.

Surface condition analysis begins.

Inizia l’analisi dello stato di conservazione delle superfici.

Inizia l’analisi dello stato di conservazione delle superfici.

Surface condition analysis begins.

Surface condition analysis begins.