The restoration of " Il Pensiero " - Start of work

Begins restoration of Il Pensiero, the sculpture by Giulio Monteverde on the east side of the gate

The gilded bronze group depicting "The Pensiero" by Piedmontese sculptor Giulio Monteverde (1837-1917) soars 10 meters high in the east side of the gate. Monteverde-who received the commission in 1907 and completed it in 1910, in time for the Monument's unveiling ceremony-imagined Il Pensiero with wings spread, resting his hand on the shoulder of La Saggezza, depicted with the helmet and shield of the classical goddess Minerva. La Saggezza in turn extends her hand to Il Popolo Italiano, who lies at her feet. The group is completed with La Discordia with the scourge dragging far away La Tirannia, recognizable by its hair of serpents, and, on the back, with Il Genio della guerra, depicted with Roman weapons.

The restoration work began with the installation of the provisional works, in accordance with the project, adopting the most suitable techniques for the material being treated and complying with specific safety regulations.

01 06
The restoration of " Il Pensiero " - Start of work
The restoration of " Il Pensiero " - Start of work
The restoration of " Il Pensiero " - Start of work
The restoration of " Il Pensiero " - Start of work
The restoration of " Il Pensiero " - Start of work
The restoration of " Il Pensiero " - Start of work