The museum crossing

SERIES: Visual energies between bodies and museum spaces.
SPEAKER: Antonella Greco
DATE: Tuesday, December 6, 6 p.m.
PLACE: Sala del Refettorio

Three boys run through a Louvre hall in the black-and-white frame, while three more boys sprint through the same hall in color. A memorable sequence that has gradually changed in meaning over the course of the forty years between the two movies. Godard's 1964 film Band à part, which violates the rules of a sacred space, is a real outrage against bourgeois morality. A performance held in a modern museum would be analogous to Bertolucci's in I Dreamers, 2003. How long did it take the museum to cross, and what elements—theatrical, engulfing, communicating, interactive, emotional—helped it change from a neutral storehouse of "dead" artifacts into a live environment? Is it truly, though?


Until 2019, she was a full professor of History of Contemporary Architecture at Sapienza University, where she graduated with Giulio Carlo Argan and studied Medieval and Modern Art History. Her publications have primarily focused on twentieth-century art and architecture, notably the interwar years, the contemporary Rome architects, and the interaction between the two. She has worked alone or with others to arrange a large number of exhibitions in Italy and abroad. She has also edited architectural journals and contributed to a number of weekly magazines. She has been in charge of Art doc Fest, a festival of art and architecture-related documentaries, for the last ten years.

Information and Booking

Free admission subject to availability

Booking at the link:

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The museum crossing
The museum crossing
The museum crossing
The museum crossing
The museum crossing