VIVE under the stars - Palazzo Venezia

Evening visit for all the visitors

Families with children can visit the VIVE Institute's monuments in the evening hours by attending the VIVE under the Stars events. Exploratory walks and theatrical tours are planned to take visitors on a travel through time discovering the treasures and secrets of VIVE following the footsteps of artists, musicians, philosophers, and filmmakers.

A theatrical tour at Palazzo Venezia will reveal to visitors the secrets of the historic residence that, with its garden and museum, welcomes students, travelers, and curious people of all ages. Among palm trees and statues, among magnolias and a magical grove of acanthus trees, among ancient works and elegant salons a special theatrical narration will lead the guests to discover a history within History, imagine adventurous journeys, incredible exploits, and curiosities all yet to be revealed.

WHEN: 8, 26 December
TIME: 7:30 pm

WHERE: Palazzo Venezia.
MEETING POINT: via del Plebiscito, n. 118