Stories of Heroes

Animated visit to the Vittoriano and Central Museum of the Risorgimento for families with children

You may be surprised to learn that sometimes all it takes to make a hero is a red butcher's shirt. O r a generous idea, paper, and ink. Or a box of dreams, some thread, and a needle.  An animated tour that leads us to learn about the heroes and heroines who helped shape Italy's history, from the patriot Giuditta Bellerio Sidoli, sewing one of the first tricolors to the exploits of the Bandiera brothers; from the volunteers who set out with Garibaldi on the Expedition of the Thousand to the brigands and brigantesses who fought for freedom and justice. In the chambers of the Central Museum of the Risorgimento, a kaleidoscope of characters are told through their personal belongings and uniforms, encouraging us to reconsider the frequently legendary adventures of individuals who planted the first seeds of the Italian Republic. Each participant will be able to design their own hero and outfit him or her with a unique uniform at the end of the path.

WHEN: 4,5 November
TIME: 4.00 p.m.

WHEN: 6 November
TIME: 11:00 a.m., 4:00 p.m.

WHERE: Vittoriano and Central Museum of the Risorgimento
MEETING POINT: entrance to the Vittoriano at the gate on Piazza Venezia

Information and reservations

On Friday 4 and Saturday 5 November, our family-oriented activities are included in the admission ticket, subject to availability. On Sunday 6, on the first Sunday of the month, activities are free of charge.

Find out here the program of the available tours.  

If you need information, email to:

We recommend you to book by clicking here.

The visits will take place according to the current anti-Covid-19 legislation