Ideas, words and images for a manifesto

Children and families at VIVE
Animated visit for families
Sunday 22 September, 4 pm

How can the founding values of a nation be made visible? What are the words that translate them into the collective imagination and make them immediately recognisable to all? A visit dedicated to the main visual representation of the ideals of united Italy through the Vittoriano and the Museo Centrale del Risorgimento. Words such as ‘homeland’, ‘identity’, ‘history’, ‘future’, and ‘nation’ will be the starting point for reflecting together on key concepts of our history, both past and contemporary, ideas that will take shape in an unprecedented manifesto combining images, phrases, and colours.

WHEN: Sunday 22 September 2024
TIME: 4 P.M.
WHERE: Central Museum of the Risorgimento
MEETING POINT: entrance to the Vittoriano, Ara Coeli side

Information and reservations

This visit costs 5 euro. The cost of the visit must be added to the cost of the VIVE entrance ticket.
We would like to remind you that up to the age of 18 the entrance fee is free and between 18 and 25 it is only 2 euro.
To participate in the visit, book and purchase your ticket at least 2 days in advance by clicking here.

Please note that the visit will be in Italian.

Please arrive 15 minutes before the start of the visit at the meeting point.
For information contact the education team by sending an email to: