Christina of Sweden, a queen in Rome

CYCLE: Figures of history in the Rome of yesteryear. 
SPEAKER: Lisa Roscioni, professor of modern history, "Sapienza" University of Rome
DATE: Thursday, March 21, 6 p.m. 

A convert to Catholicism and no longer queen of Sweden since she had abdicated the throne in 1654, Christina was welcomed to Rome on Christmas 1655 with every pomp and circumstance. In a Europe that had just emerged from a 30-year war that had forever sealed the division of Christianity between Catholics and Protestants, her conversion represented an unprecedented victory, even if her original and nonconformist personality was a source of no small concern to the pontiffs. She nevertheless left an indelible mark on the city and was buried in the Vatican in 1689.


Lisa Roscioni, historian and essayist, teaches Modern History at "Sapienza" University of Rome. She has published La badessa di Castro. Storia di uno scandalo, Bologna, il Mulino, 2017; Lo smemorato di Collegno. Storia italiana di un'identità contesa, Turin, Einaudi, 2009; Il governo della follia. Hospitals, doctors and the insane in the modern age, Milan, Bruno Mondadori, 2011.

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Christina of Sweden, a queen in Rome
Christina of Sweden, a queen in Rome