SERIES: Stories of Rome, Stories of Italy.
SPEAKER: Alessandra Tarquini
DATE: November 24, 6 p.m.
PLACE: Sala del Refettorio
Benedetto Croce delivered a speech at the Teatro Eliseo in Rome on September 21, 1944, at 4:00 p.m. The theater was crowded as Croce addressed the Italians and the Allies remaining on home soil, addressing to the city and the entire country. The city had only recently been liberated, and other officials from the government and the anti-fascist movement also attended. Many others approached to congratulate him as he was leaving. He was then more than just a grizzled philosopher; he was a figure of significance. He was one of the few intellectuals who was free of ties to the recent totalitarian dictatorship and able to stand in for the embryonic optimism of the new Italy.