SERIES: From Rome to the rest of the world. Tales from a past that lives on - Under the aegis of Francesco Benigno, professor of Modern History, Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa
SPEAKER: Simona Colarizi
DATE: Thursday 30 March, 6 pm
PLACE: Palazzo Venezia, Sala del Refettorio
For two years right- and left-wing forces “bombarded the Winter Palace”, attacking its principal politicians, and Bettino Craxi most of all, until it collapsed in 1994 in the widespread conviction that a beautiful new building would rise from the rubble. One without the previous cracks, inhabited by an uncorrupt, morally sound and politically capable political class that could, at last, give Italy a solid and lasting government. In the 30 years since the collapse of the party system, however, populism and antipolitics have produced crises in the delegations and weak executives which have twice been placed in the hands of technical experts. What is this "Second Republic"?