SERIES: Figures of History in Ancient Rome
SPEAKER: Carlotta Sorba, historian
DATE: Thursday 20 June, 6 pm
In her long, dense and more than ever nomadic life, the actress Adelaide Ristori found herself experiencing at first hand many of the events that marked the process of national unification: from the Roman Republic in 1849 to the war of 1859, from the enterprise of the Thousand to the death of Cavour. And then to follow, with an often attentive and informed participation as can be seen primarily in her correspondence, the complex paths of the life of the new state of which she became cultural ambassador to the world. Wife of Marquis Giuliano Capranica del Grillo, with whom she lived a close and fruitful theatrical association, she resided for long periods in the capital where, after her last tour in the United States in 1885, she wrote her Ricordi artistici, a complex publishing project, soon to be translated into French and English, which marked the peak of her global celebrity.