The Imperial Forums Wing becomes part of the Vittoriano and Palazzo Venezia to become an exhibition centre of international calibre
The exhibition wing on via dei Fori Imperiali - generally referred to as the Brasini Wing - has been part of the Vittoriano and Palazzo Venezia VIVE since December 2020, (VIVE). With VIVE’s new dimension, its spaces - along with others in Palazzo Venezia- will perform the functions of an exhibition centre of international calibre.
Having developed a 6 million Euro restoration project, already fully funded, VIVE has entrusted the drafting of the technical-economic feasibility project to a temporary association of professionals made up of the MAP studio from Venice and ESA Engineering. The schedule foresees the inauguration of the new spaces in the spring of 2023.
Progetto di restauro dell'Ala Fori Imperiali, detta Ala Brasini, dello studio MAP di Venezia e di ESA Engeneering