The Scientific Committee

Submitted by editorveg on Mon, 12/20/2021 - 15:15
The Scientific Committee
Silvia Ginzburg

Silvia Ginzburg is full professor of History of Modern Art at the University of Roma Tre.
Her study interests focus mainly on the relationship between written sources and figurative documents; on the stylistic developments in sixteenth and seventeenth century paintings; on the seventeenth century origins of the Scuola Romana movement.
She is the author of fundamental contributions on the figure of Giovan Battista Agucchi; on the Roman activity of Annibale Carracci, in particular on the Camerino and the Farnese Gallery; on landscape painting in the Italian seventeenth century, with a special focus on Poussin and his relationship with the French perspective culture; on the genesis of the first edition of Vasari's Lives; on the school of Raphael (Perino, Polidoro); on the position of Pietro Bembo in the history of the figurative culture of the sixteenth century. 

Carmine Pinto

Carmine Pinto is full professor of Contemporary History at the University of Salerno and director of the Institute for the History of the Italian Risorgimento. 
He has worked on the political systems of the twentieth century, publishing some volumes on the crisis of the parties during the history of the Italian republic, on the political practices and institutional logic of large mass-membership parties, on the construction of territorial ruling groups.
He currently deals with civil wars and national movements in the 19th century. The most recent lines of research focus on the forms of political mobilisation and violence in the ancient monarchies of the Mediterranean and in the Atlantic area. He studies the crisis of the Bourbon area, the development of state projects, the creation of political communities and the consequent civil wars within a comparative perspective of nineteenth-century nationalism.

Marina Formica

Marina Formica è professore ordinario di Storia moderna presso la Macroarea di Lettere e Filosofia dell’Università degli studi di Roma Tor Vergata. Presidente della Società italiana per gli studi sul secolo XVIII, è nel Comitato editoriale della rivista “Diciottesimo secolo” e della collana “Biblioteca di Diciottesimo secolo”. Attualmente, sta curando l’organizzazione del Convegno mondiale “Antiquity and the Shape of the Future in the Age of the Enlightenment -L'antiquité et la vision du futur au siècle des lumières” (Roma, 3-7 luglio 2023).  Componente del Comitato d’indirizzo della Fondazione Roma, è altresì nelConsiglio direttivo della Fondazione Camillo Caetani e nel Conseil d’administration de l’École française de Rome, nel Comité asesor de la colección de la Escuela Española de Historia y Arqueología en Roma-CSIC (EEHAR). 
Socio ordinario e consigliere della Giunta direttiva dell’Istituto di Studi romani, è socia effettiva del Centro Studi Giuseppe Gioachino Belli, della Società romana di storia patria e coordina il Centro di ricerca “Roma 800”.

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