Photo exhibit organised by Webuild and VIVE Institute
An unprecedented visit of the sites of the Eternal City, bringing back the wonder of rediscovering the Italian capital in its truest and most intense beauty. It is a visit offered by “ROMA SILENZIOSA BELLEZZA” (Rome Silent Beauty), an exhibit promoted and organised by the Webuild Group and the VIVE - Vittoriano and Palazzo Venezia institute with the support of the City of Rome.
With images taken by photographer Moreno Maggi during the months of lockdown in 2020, this free exhibit presents the public a Rome that is different from how it is used to living and seeing it. It shows a city that is extraordinarily beautiful in the silence of those months. By showing public places that are normally filled with traffic and people, they present the city in its truest, immutable self, ready to host important international events in the coming years.
The “ROMA SILENZIOSA BELLEZZA” project, says VIVE Director Edith Gabrielli, "connects to one of the most intensely felt debates in this historical moment, which considers the role of cities, and Rome is naturally one of these. The questions that need an answer, which are numerous and important, range from the issue of transportation to the relationship between supposed city centres and suburbs. 'ROMA SILENZIOSA BELLEZZA’ can also unite scientific commitment with the capacity of attracting the public. Moreno Maggi's photos open viewers' eyes making them see extremely famous places, placing them in a different, and in many ways unprecedented, light, thanks, in part, to the immersive mode used".
The exhibit, curated by Roberto Koch and Alessandra Mauro, is a journey enriched by photos, videos, and multimedia projections, enabling visitors to discover a new way of living in harmony. They offer an emotional and intellectual tour, during which visitors can contemplate the importance of being part of a community.
DATE: From January 20 to April 11, 2023
PLACE: Rome, VITTORIANO – Zanardelli Hall