Sketch of the memorial to General Enrico Cialdini and the fallen of the battle of 18 September 1860 in Castelfidardo by Vito Pardo

Submitted by editorveg on Wed, 11/24/2021 - 15:05
Sketch of the memorial to General Enrico Cialdini and the fallen of the battle of 18 September 1860 in Castelfidardo by Vito Pardo

The city in Le Marche commissions a work of exceptional size on the fiftieth anniversary of the victory over the papal troops 

Immagine principale

The work was commissioned by the Municipality of Castelfidardo to Vito Pardo (1872-1936) in 1910, to honour General Enrico Cialdini (1811-1892) and his men: their victory over the Pope's troops was the premise for the Plebiscite and the annexation of Le Marche and Umbria to the Kingdom of Italy. 
