Reopened in 2000 and refurbished in 2011, the Museum is now entrusted to the Vittoriano and Palazzo Venezia

Between 2000 and 2001, in line with the re-launch of the entire Vittoriano promoted by Carlo Azeglio Ciampi (1920-2016), Giuseppe Talamo (1925-2010), President of the Institute for the History of the Italian Risorgimento, imposed a new museology structure. This structure provided for a clear subdivision between the Imperial Forums’ Wing and the "stylobate rooms": since then the former has hosted temporary exhibitions, mostly based on artistic themes, the latter the permanent part of the museum.

Il Presidente della Repubblica Carlo Azeglio Ciampi accompagnato dal prof. Giuseppe Talamo, Presidente dell'Istituto Nazionale di Storia del Risorgimento Italiano, visita il Museo Centrale del Risorgimento nel maggio 2001.

The current layout of the Museum dates back to 2011, the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy. The guiding idea consisted - and still consists - in combining the individual stages of the Risorgimento with the biographical profile of some of its protagonists. From December 2020 the Museum has been assigned to the Vittoriano and Palazzo Venezia, or VIVE. Among other things, the new management has provided for returning its spaces to the public, which had once again been closed in 2019..

La mostra celebrativa realizzata al Museo Centrale del Risorgimento, in occasione del 150° anniversario dell’Unità d’Italia.