Italian art in the 20th century through the library of one of its leading figures

One of the key figures of 20th-century Italian literature and art, Marcello Venturoli (Rome, 1915-2002) was an art critic, journalist, essayist, writer and scholar.

Portrait of Marcello Venturoli
Venturoli decided to donate his archive to BiASA, a place he often frequented, in 1986. Made up of a large quantity of documents, exhibition catalogues, monographs and other materials, his archive is an important testament to 20th-century Italian art. It is composed of approximately 5,000 individual and collective exhibition catalogues from private art galleries, mainly in Rome, from 1962 to 1984, and the catalogues of important national art events.

Cover of the catalogue for the solo show of artist Alik Cavaliere at the Martha Jackson Gallery, New York, 1965

Cover of the catalogue for the solo show of artist Eva Krump at the Galleria La Virgola, Fabriano, Italy, 1969
The Marcello Venturoli Archive can be consulted at Palazzo Venezia. Its retrospective online indexing in the SBN by author and title was finished some time ago; indexing by subject is currently under way.